Congratulations, Life Scout!

The Life to Eagle process changes a bit from time-to-time -- stuff like names of folks at the local council office, the name of the District Life to Eagle Chair, and even the name of our council have all changed over the last few years. Moreover, there were special procedures in place during the C19 outbreak of 2020, and there even used to be an e-mail regarding this process sent to every Scout by the Life To Eagle Chair upon attaining the Life Scout Rank.


As with everything in Scouting, the Scout initiates this process.  The process below is shamelessly stolen from the Valley District web page on the council's site, with contact information corrected and some Troop 324-specific stuff added.


Valley Life to Eagle Program

This process starts when a Star Scout achieves the rank of Life Scout. Unless otherwise specified, some steps can be done at the same time and some steps may overlap. Ray's advice: try to follow these steps in this sequence. All references to Unit Leader, Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, or District Eagle Advisor (assigned in step 6) are to the currently registered leaders. 


For Troop 324, those are...

Unit Leader/Scoutmaster (same thing in our case): Brian Beyer

Committee Chair: Ray LaFrance

District Eagle Advisor: Will be assigned in Step 2, below.

  1. Life Scout: If available in your unit, ask your Scoutmaster to assign a Troop Project Coach to you.
  2. Life Scout: CLICK HERE and fill out the form. Under “Special Request”, you can add the name of a District Eagle Advisor who has agreed to support you. Click “Submit” to send. 
  3. District Life to Eagle Coordinator: Will email acknowledgement of advisor request along with the files for the “Life to Eagle Program Valley Check List”, “Eagle Project Workbook”, “Eagle Rank Application”, “Palms Application Form”, and the “Recommendation Letter” forms to the Life Scout.
  4. Life Scout: Send an email message with your full name and unit to Jeanette ( and ask them to send you a copy of your official Scouting record.
  5. Life Scout: Using your official Scouting record, complete your Eagle Scout Rank Application Requirements 1 and 3. Save the file.
  6. District Life to Eagle Coordinator: Will assign a District Eagle Advisor and send an email message to the Life Scout with the name and contact information for the assigned District Eagle Scout Advisor.
  7. Life Scout with Project Coach: Review the Eagle Scout Application Requirement 3. Add any recently completed merit badges using dates from Troop records. Save the file. If needed, create a plan to complete your 21 merit badges. Also see Scout Handbook page 450 Eagle Rank Requirements.
  8. Life Scout: Begin work on completing any remaining merit badges.
  9. Life Scout: Ask your Scoutmaster (or through troop elections) for a position of responsibility in your Troop for a minimum of 6 months after achieving Life Scout. Also see Scout Handbook page 450 Eagle Rank Requirements.
  10. Life Scout with Project Coach: Review Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal. Discuss ideas for an Eagle service project and potential beneficiary. Remember, the primary objective is that the project must provide a clear opportunity for the Life Scout to demonstrate leadership while providing benefit to others.


General Eagle Service Project Requirements and Restrictions Overview

  • Does not involve Council property, BSA activities, or benefit BSA.
  • Not performed for a business or be of a commercial nature except with special conditions and approval.
  • No maintenance or routine labor without special conditions and approval.
  • Completed before the Scout’s Eagle Board of Review and 18th birthday.
  • Beneficiary does not have to be a “non profit”.
  • Not a fundraiser, but can raise funds for needed materials.
  • All donations of money and in-kind donations such as materials, supplies, and food are part of fundraising and must be reported.
Questions? Please Contact Eric Larsen, District Life to Eagle Chair. 

Application Procedures

The Eagle Project Workbook, Eagle Application, Signed Fundraising Application and Life Ambition Statement should be combined into one PDF document. The Scout should use first and last name and troop number as the name of the document (joescout123 or Joe Scout 123) so it is easily identifiable. The document should be sent to Jeanette Lloyd at the council office Jeanette Lloyd. The Eagle Project Workbook may not combine easily into one document. The second option is to send a file with all the items but save the signature pages from the workbook (proposal, completion and fundraising) as single pages. Combine the three signature pages, Life Ambition Statement and the Eagle Application into one document and send that so it will be less time consuming for Jeanette to verify the Eagle Application. Jeanette will need the Eagle Project Workbook too, but if she has the verification pages in one location it will save her time. If any Troop 324 Scout needs help with this, Ray is happy to combine files to streamline the process.


All outstanding Merit Badges must be uploaded electronically either through ScoutBook or Internet Advancement prior to submitting the paperwork. Scout advancement reports can be printed at the unit level through ScoutBook or Internet Advancement in order to complete the Eagle Application. If the unit needs help with this, please have them contact Eric Larsen, their unit commissioners or District Commissioner.


Once the Scout/Unit has received verification of the Eagle Paperwork, a BoR can be scheduled.


This process starts when a Star Scout achieves the rank of Life Scout. The Life Scout ask the Scoutmaster to assign a Troop Project Coach (if available in the troop). Then, access the Eagle Advisor request form here. Fill out the form. Under “Special Request”, you can add the name of a District Eagle Advisor who has agreed to support you (if you already have one in mind). Click “Complete Survey” to send. The District Life to Eagle Coordinator will confirm you request and will send all of the forms and assign an Eagle Advisor to get you started on earning your Eagle rank. Questions? Please Contact Eric Larsen, District Life to Eagle Chair.

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